How to Download and Install Git on Windows 10: If you are into Software Development, then at some point in time, you might have heard about the term Git and GitHub.
Since Git and GitHub are two different things. So, In this article, we are only going to take a look at Git and how can you install it on your computer.
It is the most important and useful Software that every Programmer and Software Developer should use in order to manage a large-scale Project.
First, Let’s take a look at the definition of Git:
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What is Git Bash?
Git Bash is a Project Management and Version Control System which helps the Developers or Programmers to work or collaborate in a Large Scale Project.
In simple words, Git is just like a Database Software that stores the history of the files and the changes that we have made in those files throughout the Development Process.
Git is available in GUI as well as CLI version. However, I would recommend you to use the CLI version of Git only, which makes project management much easier.
There are various advantages of using Git which makes you irresistible from using it.
Some of the top advantages of using Git are:
Project Management becomes very easy.
Using Git, you have the history or track of all the changes that you have made in your project.
If something went wrong, you can easily revert your code to the previous version very easily.
Working with a large team becomes very easy as we can create different branches and each person can work on their assigned branch, which doesn’t affect the code of the person working in a different branch.
Git works very well with GitHub. So, pushing your code or project to GitHub is very easy using Git Software.
Now, that you have a basic understanding of Git and its uses. Let’s have a look at the step you have to follow in order to download Git Software on your Windows Computer.
How to download Git for Windows?
Here are the following steps which you have to follow in order to download Git on your Windows System:
1. In the Google Search Bar, type “Git Download” and visit the First Link on the result page.
2. Then, below Downloads section. Select your Operating System for which you want to download the Git Software.
In our case, we want to download the Git Software for Windows Machine. So, we have to click on the Windows button and our downloading process will get started.
Now that you have successfully downloaded the Git on your computer. It’s time to install it on your Windows System.
How to install Git on Windows 10?
Here are the steps that you have to follow in order to install Git on your Computer:
1. Firstly, open the .exe (Executable) file of Git that you have downloaded on your computer.
Then click on the Run button to run the Git Executable File.
2. Then you will see the GPL Window, like below, where you will get the information regarding the License of this Software.
So, you have to click the Next button in order to continue the process.
3. Then it will ask you to select the destination folder in which you want to install the Git Software.
So, In order to select the destination folder, you just have to click on the Browse button and select your location.
Then simply click on Next.
4. After selecting the destination folder, it’s time to select the Components that comes along with Git Software.
So, from here you can select the Components that you want to install or you can unselect the ones which you don’t want to install on your computer.
In my case, I will set it to default only.
So, after selecting the Components, simply click on Next.
5. Then you will see a new window that will ask you to select the location where you want to keep the Shortcut of the Git Program.
So, if you want to change the default location of the Git Program Shortcut, you can click on the Browser button and Select the destination folder.
Then click on the Next button.
6. Then in the next Window, you have to select the default Text Editor which will be used by Git.
By default, the Vim Editor is selected. You can change the Editor based on your requirement.
After selecting the editor, click on the Next button to continue the installation process.
7. If you are a Git User, then you might have an understanding of the Initial Branch in Git.
You can name the Initial Branch of Git by selecting the “Override the default branch name of new repositories” option and typing the name of the Initial Branch in the Input section.
Or you can simply, let Git decide the name of the Initial Branch in Git by selecting the “Let Git decide” option.
Then click on the Next button.
8. In the next Window, you can select the Path Environment for your Git Program. So, you can get access to the Command Line based on your requirement.
There are 3 options that you can select based on your requirement.
However, I will go with the default one which is the “Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software” option.
Using this option, you can Run the Git command on Command Prompt as well as on the 3rd-party software (like – VS Code), that you will install on your computer.
9. Then, In the next Window, you have to select the SSH Program that you want Git to use.
I would recommend you to use the bundled OpenSSH, which uses the default SSH Program that comes with the Git software.
After selecting the appropriate SSH Program, click on the Next button.
10. In the next step, you have to select the SSL or TLS Library which will be used by Git for setting up the HTTPS connections.
You can select any one option between the two options available as shown in the above image.
However, I would like to go with the default one which is OpenSSL Library.
11. The next Window will ask you to choose the Line Endings in Text File.
There are 3 options you get here. However, I would recommend you to go with the default one and click Next to proceed.
12. Now, you have to choose the Terminal Emulator which you want to use while using Git Bash on your Computer.
By default, the MinTTY is selected as a default Terminal Emulator for Git Bash.
If you want to use Windows CMD as your terminal Emulator, then you can select the 2nd option.
After selecting the Terminal Emulator, click on the Next button.
13. In the next Window, you can set the default behavior of the most popular Git command which is “git pull”.
For this also, I will leave it to default and click the Next button.
14. Now, In the next Dialog, you have to choose that which Credential Helper do you want to configure.
I would recommend you to leave it to default which is “Git Credential Manager Core” and click the Next button.
15. In the next Dialog, you can choose the extra features which you want to enable while using Git.
I have selected the “Enable file system caching” option. So, you can select based on your requirement and click the Next button.
16. Now, here is the last but not the least option, which you get while installing the Git on your computer.
From here, you can select the latest and recently developed features of Git, which you want to enable with the Git Program.
After selecting the desired feature, simply click on the Install button and your Installation will start proceeding.
17. Git is successfully installed on your computer.
In order to launch the Git Program, just select the “Launch Git Bash” option and click the Finish button.
Congratulations! Here is your Git Bash Terminal for Windows.
So, hope you like the article on How to Download and Install Git on Windows 10 in which we have covered the following topics: