DuckDuckGo vs Google: Even though the Search Engine can answer any of our questions in no time. Still, there are some questions we should never search in Search Engine.
The tech giant which already have monopolized the Search Engine market is Google.
It is so much popular, that most of us use the term Google it! as a synonym of search it!.
There is no other search engine that can compete with Google and besides Search Engine, Google also works on some of the top Technologies.
However still there are lots of talk going on between DuckDuckGo vs Google, as some limitation in Google search engine, Like – privacy or data breach, is the business model of DuckDuckGo search engine.
So, if privacy matters to you, then the DuckDuckGo search engine can be very helpful for you.
Do you know that Google keeps track of every task you perform on the Internet?
For example – how much time you spend on a particular website or page, which ads do you click, what is your interest.
Google collects data from the websites you visit and use it for their advertisement.
So, if you use google, then your data is no more your.
As Google uses Artificial Intelligence for their searches and recommendation system. So, data is the main resource of Google, which it takes from us(with or without permission).
But on the other hand, these limitations of Google are the main feature and business models of DuckDuckGo.
If you are a Linux user, then you must have heard about DuckDuckGo as it is the default browser in many Linux distributions.
DuckDuckGo is a search engine, which shows the results of your searches like Google. But unlike Google, it shows you unbiased and 100% organic results.
With DuckDuckGo, you can do a task more efficiently than you can on google. You will learn more about it below.
In DuckDuckGo, privacy is the main concern. As the tagline of DuckDuckGo itself says “The search engine that doesn’t track you”.
So, In the world of the Internet, if privacy concerns you, then you should go with DuckDuckGo.
DuckDuckGo is also known as the search engine of hackers. Because In DuckDuckGo, the first preference is always given to privacy.
The most popular search engine like – Google, Yahoo, Bing always tracks your activities and uses this data for the advertisement purpose.
3. Searching Social Profile