DuckDuckGo vs Google: Even though the Search Engine can answer any of our questions in no time. Still, there are some questions we should never search in Search Engine.

The tech giant which already have monopolized the Search Engine market is Google.

It is so much popular, that most of us use the term Google it! as a synonym of search it!.

There is no other search engine that can compete with Google and besides Search Engine, Google also works on some of the top Technologies.

However still there are lots of talk going on between DuckDuckGo vs Google, as some limitation in Google search engine, Like – privacy or data breach, is the business model of DuckDuckGo search engine.

So, if privacy matters to you, then the DuckDuckGo search engine can be very helpful for you.

Do you know that Google keeps track of every task you perform on the Internet?

For example – how much time you spend on a particular website or page, which ads do you click, what is your interest.

Google collects data from the websites you visit and use it for their advertisement.

So, if you use google, then your data is no more your.

As Google uses Artificial Intelligence for their searches and recommendation system. So, data is the main resource of Google, which it takes from us(with or without permission).

But on the other hand, these limitations of Google are the main feature and business models of DuckDuckGo.

If you are a Linux user, then you must have heard about DuckDuckGo as it is the default browser in many Linux distributions.

DuckDuckGo is a search engine, which shows the results of your searches like Google. But unlike Google, it shows you unbiased and 100% organic results.

With DuckDuckGo, you can do a task more efficiently than you can on google. You will learn more about it below.

In DuckDuckGo, privacy is the main concern. As the tagline of DuckDuckGo itself says “The search engine that doesn’t track you”.

So, In the world of the Internet, if privacy concerns you, then you should go with DuckDuckGo.

DuckDuckGo is also known as the search engine of hackers. Because In DuckDuckGo, the first preference is always given to privacy.

The most popular search engine like – Google, Yahoo, Bing always tracks your activities and uses this data for the advertisement purpose.

So, now we will take a deep look at the Top features of DuckDuckGo and Google and the key differences between DuckDuckGo vs Google.

Table of Contents

Top Search Features of DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo Features

Here are the Top 12 features of DuckDuckGo Search Engine:

1. Using Shortcut in DuckDuckGo

bang DuckDuckGo vs Google

Typing !bang in DuckDuckGo will redirect you to a page where you will get the shortcut of 1000’s popular websites and you can easily access it.

Using ! (exclamation) sign, you can access the website with its shortcut.

For example – !a for Amazon, !yt for YouTube, !tw for twitter, !fb for Facebook.

You can also directly type your search query with it. Like “!yt Programming” will show you the programming videos on YouTube.

2. Checking Status of any Website

is website up DuckDuckGo vs Google

You can check the status of any website. Whether it is Up or Down, with its response time by simply typing “is up”.

For example – By typing “is up” you can know whether is up or down and exactly how much time it took to get a response from the particular Server.

3. Searching Social Profile

Searching Social Profile DuckDuckGo vs Google

You can directly search the social profile of any person with the DuckDuckGo search engine by typing @ and your keyword.

For example – @coderpedia will display you the social profile of the coderpedia handle.

4. Generating Figlet

Generating Figlet

You can generate the figlet of any text by typing ” figlet “Text” “.

For example – Typing figlet “Coderpedia” will generate the figlet of Coderpedia for you.

5. Generating Password with DuckDuckGo

Generate Password with DuckDuckGo

If you are confused while generated a good secure password. You can take the help of DuckDuckGo.

By typing the password, followed by the number of digits of the password you want to have, you will get the random password of the specific length.

For example – By typing “password 10”, it will generate you a random password of 10 digits.

6. URL Expander

URL Expander DuckDuckGo vs Google

Sometimes you come up with a short URL, which you are scared of opening because of security purposes.

So, you can use DuckDuckGo for expanding the shorten URL without opening it.

To expand the shortened URL, you have to type expand, followed by the shorten URL which you want to expand.

For example – Typing “expand” will expand this shorten URL, giving the result which is “”.

7. URL Shortening

URL Shortening DuckDuckGo vs Google

You can also shorten any URL with the shorten command. To shorten the URL, you have to type shorten, followed by the URL which you want to shorten.

For example – Typing “shorten” will shorten this URL for you.

8. Changing the Text Case

Changing the Text Case DuckDuckGo vs Google

You can change the case of your text with DuckDuckGo.

To make the text to uppercase, use “uppercase text” and to make the text to title case use “titlecase text”.

For example – By typing “uppercase coderpedia”, you will get CODERPEDIA in the result.

9. Calendar in DuckDuckGo

Calendar in DuckDuckGo

To see the calendar of the current month. Simply type “calendar”. By typing “calendar month year”, you can view the calendar of that particular month.

For example – By typing “calendar January 2020”, you will get the calendar of January month of 2020.

10. Checking Weather

Checking Weather DuckDuckGo vs Google

To know the weather in a particular location, you can type in “weather in”, followed by the location for which you want to know the weather.

For example – Typing “weather in Delhi” will show you the complete weather information of Delhi.

11. DuckDuckGo as Stopwatch

Stopwatch DuckDuckGo vs Google

Typing “stopwatch” will show you the stopwatch, which can be very useful for you.

12. Calculating Loan

Calculating Loan DuckDuckGo vs Google

You can easily calculate loan with the help of the loan command.

For example- “loan RS 1000000 at 5% for 10 years” will give you the result of Rs 10,606.55 for 10 years.

There are many more helpful features like these available in DuckDuckGo.

Top Search Features of Google​

Google Hacks

Here are the Top 10 features of Google Search Engine:

1. Searching a Particular Website

Search from Particular Site Google Hack

If you want to search for something only from a particular website.

Then you can do it, with the help of “site:” followed by the website from which you want to search and the word you want to search.

For example – programming. It will show you all the results related to programming only from website.

2. Time Range Search

Time Range Search Google Hacks

There is a special type of search in Google, which is known as Time Range Search.

By using it, you can get the search result articles, which were written in a specific year, month, or date.

This means if you want to get the articles written about something, on a particular period. Then you can make use of Time Range Search.

For this, you have to first type the keyword you want to search about and add before:YYYY-MM-DD or after:YYY-MM-DD accordingly.

This will show you the article written in that particular period.

For Example – The search query, “Linux before:2001” will show you the articles related to Linux, which were written before 2001.

3. Search with Quotation Mark

Quotation Marks Google Hacks

If you want to search about something in Google and in search results you want the articles which consist of exact words you typed in.

Then you can put the words inside the Quotation marks.

For example – if you typed “global warming”. Then you will get the results that consist of global warming and will eliminate all the irrelevant results related to it.

4. File Type Search

Google Search by File Type

If you want to get a particular type of file as a search result, then you can make use of File Type Search.

For this, you have to type “filetype:” followed by the type of file you want and the keyword related to which you want the file.

If you want the PowerPoint slides or pdf related to something, then this query is very helpful for you.

For example – you can type, “filetype:ppt computer networks” and you will get all the ppt related to computer networks.

5. Search with Elimination

Search Query with Hyphen

If you are searching for something on Google and you want to eliminate some particular word from the search results.

Then you can do it by adding – sign in the search query.

For example – If you want to search about Linux Distribution, but you don’t want Ubuntu in your search result.

Then, you can do it by typing Linux Distribution -Ubuntu. This means that I want to see all the Linux Distribution except Ubuntu.

6. Searching Definition

Search the Definition

If you want to know the definition of something, then you can make use of this query.

You can type, “define:” followed by the word, you want the definition of. This will show you the definition of that word.

For example – “define:Artificial Intelligence”.

7. Wildcard Search

The * symbol is very useful when you want to get the value of something as a result. For example – You can type “Salary of Software Engineer is *”.

Now, As a result, Google will show the result which will fill the * for you.

So, you can get the result for Salary of Software Engineer. This is also known as Wildcard Search.

8. Google as a Calculator

Google as a Calculator

You can use Google as a Calculator as well. For this, you just have to type the mathematical expression in the search query and it will give you the answer.

For example – (20+34)/2 will give you 27.

9. Unit Conversion with Google

Unit Conversion with Google

Google can also help you in Unit conversion. With Google, you can convert one unit into another. Like – cm to mm, mm to m.

You can convert the currency with Google as well. Like – you can type USD to INR, to convert US dollar to Indian Rupee.

For example – If you type “5.6 USD to INR”. It will convert 5.6 USD to 397.52 INR.

10. Google Gravity

Google Gravity

If you are bored by using Google Homepage and want some fun with Google. Then Google Gravity is for you.

With Google Gravity, you can play with Google Homepage in a very funny manner. If you are a fan of Google, then you must try it.

So, these were the top features of DuckDuckGo vs Google. Now, let’s take a look at the top 5 differences between them.

DuckDuckGo vs Google

Here are some key differences between DuckDuckGo vs Google, by which you can choose which one is the better Search Engine for you:

1. Tracking Activity

Google keeps track of every task you perform on the Internet and use that data for advertisement or IoT Purpose.

However, with DuckDuckGo, you are completely anonymous. No one tracks your activities if you are using DuckDuckGo.

2. Biased vs Unbiased Results

Google shows you biased results which means it doesn’t show 100% organic results.

It shows the results based on your interest and also takes other variables like your location, which makes their result biased.

Whereas In DuckDuckGo, search results are 100% organic, without taking any variable like – your location or interest into concern.

It means that the result which is shown to the person in the USA will be the same result which will be shown to a person in India.

So, if you want your search results to be unbiased then you should use DuckDuckGo.

3. Revenue Generation Model

In Google, a great part of the revenue is generated with the advertisement.

This means that Google is selling our data to other companies for advertisement purposes.

DuckDuckGo also uses advertisement for their revenue.

But here advertisement is shown based on the keywords you typed in, not based on your location, history, or some other personal data.

4. Number of Employees

The total number of employees at Google are 98,000.

Whereas In DuckDuckGo, the total number of employees is just 130 but still it ranks 5th among its competitor because of its motto which is privacy.

5. Number of searches per day

In Google, the Total number of searches in a day is 3.5 billion.

Whereas In DuckDuckGo total number of searches is 30 million per day.

The popularity of DuckDuckGo is increasing at the rate of 22% every year, which makes the chances of DuckDuckGo be a good competitor of Google in the future.

Conclusion: Best Search Engine for you (DuckDuckGo vs Google)

So, when it comes to choosing the best Search Engine between DuckDuckGo and Google, it completely depends on your preference.

If you are a person for which security matters and you want to be anonymous while you are surfing the Internet. Then DuckDuckGo is the best Search Engine for you.

However, if you are a person who doesn’t care if Google uses your private data for their advertisement or search filtration purpose. Then Google is for you.

Google provides you many features and products which is the reason it is the most popular Search Engine.

So, I hope you like the article on DuckDuckGo vs Google. We also have an article on Linux vs Windows, which you must take a look at.

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